The membership and cooperation of EGO in many important bodies and institutions of our branch have a long tradition. Due to these connections EGO took part, among other things, in the standardization of technologies that are still used today in many processing branches. For our customers this commitment guarantees products which meet the requirements of modern sealing and adhesive technology and offer maximum safety during processing.
The high quality standard of EGO products is confirmed by several independent certificates and reports. Already the first EGO sealants were tested and admitted by several national and international institutes according to the current standards and state-of-the-art technology. Permanent surveillance by independent institutes ensures continuity.
In 1997, the company was certified as per ISO 9001 by the TÜV Management Service GmbH, and in 2018 this was complemented by the ISO 14001 certification. One of our primary goals is quality assurance and enhancement. In order to meet your own and your own growing needs, EGO relies on continuous development of technical equipment as well as the deepening and expansion of the know-how of our employees. In this respect, in 2018 the ISO certifications were adjusted to the latest standard.
Our customers are used to quality and reliability. Our most important performance for you is and will remain the solutions to problems at the highest level.
EGO Dichtstoffwerke is a member of the IVD INDUSTRIEVEBAND DICHTSTOFFE E.V. (= German Sealant Manufacturers’ Association), which has been committed to quality and safety and its communication since its foundation. This is how the IVD leaflets were created in a selected group of experts the IVD Instruction Sheets, the Sealant Manual and, as the latest help, the internet platform providing practice- and application-oriented professional information.
At the same time the IVD Industrieverband Dichtstoffe e. V. created the IVD Quality Mark. This quality mark is granted only to those manufactures who have committed themselves to specify their products’ crucial properties and technical data truthfully and in a comparable way.
These are:
EGO Dichtstoffwerke guarantees the IVD seal of approval for all EGOSILICONE and some other pasty sealants. The ift Rosenheim (= Institute for Window Technique, Rosenheim) in its capacity as independent testing institute constantly checks the compliance of the data with the specifications given. This guarantees that the customer uses high quality and tested products.